Right: Cerulean Blue
- "Preppy Grunge" fashion
- Chain jewelry/accessories
- Coffee/Caffeine (self-proclaimed "caffeine enthusiast")
- High-end luxury brands
- Utility boots
- Patches/Pins
- Mochi (especially the frozen dessert ones)
- Rock climbing
- Dependency
- When the shaved side of his head grows out
- Snowglobes
- Dolls (especially porcelain ones)
- Romantic comedies
- Cocktail umbrellas
- Social media
*MBTI results and explanations referenced from test results provided by 16personalities.com.

- Left eye is a permanent indicator of the Xaerian1 DNA within his body
- Will dye the white/grey tips of his hair a pastel color every so often (he's done just about every color at this point, but lavender and blue are his go-to's), then let them fade back
- Although he doesn't possess a Xaerian forme, Lucious has the ability to set his fingers on fire, instead
- Fire size and strength is that of a lighter
- During one of the testing phases during Lucious' experimentation, his arms were set ablaze—leaving his skin singed/blackened up to about his elbows
- Power couple dynamic between him and Mikkoku (although they're not exclusive)
- Voiceclaim: Johhny Young Bosch
[Early Backstory Coming Soon!]
Lucious began his Siterian2 military career at the age of twenty, enlisting as a member of the Army Reserve. Although he displayed excellent marksmanship skills, he was never sent into the field; he spent most of his days helping out behind the scenes and volunteering to train new recruits. A few years after joining, Lucious is approached by a troubled youth — Andreas Kohler — who practically begs the former to be his mentor, explaining that he had just failed his enlistment. Lucious agrees and takes the youth under his wing, training him as a sniper. This training means the world to Andreas, especially since Lucuous interweaves breathing techniques and focus excercises that help Andreas control his boundless anger.
Disappointed and growing increasingly discontented with his position in the military as the years continue to pass him by, Lucious seeks out the underground organization Ivalyce3. Skeptical at first, Mikkoku Damasu (the current head of the organization) only allows him to participate in the experiments/trials if he agrees to work for her (in the form of scouting out new subjects, gathering Hol'locie4, occasional hitman/assassin work, etc.). After agreeing to her terms, Lucious officially becomes a test subject for the organization — disappearing and going AWOL from the milistary in the process.
Sometime after 2018, Lucious established himself and his reputation as a hitman/assassin-for-hire under the alias "Ransom".
Although his participation in Ivalyce's experiments has come to an end, Lucious remains employed by (and loyal to) Mikkoku Damasu, where he continues to work as her hitman/paid assassin and "errand boy" of sorts.
[ Pyromancy ]
Having been experimented on with Hol’locie and Xaerian DNA, the reaction between the two and Lucious himself gave him the ability to wield fire. The fire he commands is no greater than that of a lighter, but he can light all 10 fingertips on fire (simultaneously, if he really concentrates). The first time Lucious tried to manifest this ability, his forearms caught fire—although uninjured, his hands and forearms took on a blackened appearance.
[ Sniper ]
While he's a capable fighter, Lucious' crowning achievement is his marksmanship with a sniper—made possible by his impeccable eyesight. (The only better sniper in the history of Siteria's army was none other than Zak Warlyile.) However, despite this incredible skill, he wasn't on the battlefield much during his time in the army. He kept his skills sharp via target practice—and by helping out other recruits alongside the Elite Guard.
(His eyesight is enhanced even further when the Xaerian DNA settles within his body).
[ Xaerian ]
Although Xaerian DNA has settled within his body to some extent, Lucious was never able to manifest a Xaerian forme of any sort. He possesses the ability to set his fingers ablaze as a result of the DNA injections and his senses have been heightened to an extent, but these are the only enhancements he’s developed over the course of his “treatment”.
A reserved bullet is better than an empty casing, but a full magazine makes you a hoarder.
Mikkoku Damasu
[ Primary Employer ]
After seeking out Ivalyce in an attempt to make himself stronger and lend his skills to the organization, Mikkoku only allowed him to participate in rounds of experimentation on the grounds that he agree to work for her (in the capacity of scouting out new subjects, gathering Hol’locie, and occasionally acting as a hitman/assassin for her). Seeing that a mutually beneficial agreement had been presented to him, Lucious agrees to work for Mikkoku.
Although his experimentation trials ceased after sixteen months, Lucious continued to work for Mikkoku. He went on to establish himself as a hitman-for-hire under the moniker "Ransom", but Mikkoku is still his primary "employer".

Andreas Kohler
[ "Mentee" ]
Upon failing his initial enlistment/MEPS test, Andreas Kohler sought out Lucious, who he had met briefly during his test. Disheartened and distraught, Andreas somewhat begged Lucious to be his mentor so that he could one day gain entry into the military, and Lucious accepted. He trained Andreas to be a calmer, more focused sniper, and the techniques he passed to Andreas also helped to calm his inner rage. The two grew close during their mentor-/tutorship, and began to hang out together. However, Lucious goes AWOL — and leaves Andreas feeling depressed and abandoned.

![Lucious 'Ransom' Calhoun - Houna Aihoyu's [讓那愛熬湯] Picrew Maker](../../../../images/portfolio/game-design/musings-of/characters/lucious-ransom-calhoun/commissions-other/picrew-684058_ransom.png)