- Everything purple
- Rain/the smell of rain
- Woodland creatures, particularly rabbits
- Crystals & gemstones
- Cottagecore
- Candles/incense
- Texture of book pages (both new and old)
*MBTI results and explanations referenced from test results provided by 16personalities.com.

- Practices 'lite' witchcraft
- Not Wiccan, as Wicca involves the worship of a God and Goddess (and there is only one being: Galaxcyn2) — but a similar 'religion'/following/spirituality to it
- "Respect and honoring of nature and the dead/Ancestors; crystals imbued with the energies of the planet for healing/meditation/etc."
- Sarah often visits her parents' graves, as she feels connected with their spirits // brings offerings and flowers every time to help her cope / grieve and seek atonement
- Possesses the capability of channeling lightning through/to crystals (like a lightning rod)
- Doesn’t carry crystals on hand, but can find in nature/has in cottage/house/etc.
- Very in-tune with nature and respective of its energies; one of the reasons she's fascinated with urban legends (a quirk she shares with Luna Crescent)
- Owns two Black Otter Mini Rex Rabbits named Sophie and Atticus (siblings)
- Wields two hand-pistols, “Twin Whirlwinds,” which spew small, yet powerful bursts of spinning air (given to her by Keith "Spitfire" Randalls)
- Eldest of two (Dylan Impra is her brother, who is five years younger)
[ WIP/Draft ]
Sarah’s parents died when she was fourteen in a stray tornado that was accidentally her fault; her parents had screamed at her on a windy day, and Sarah whipped up a tornado out of anger. Ever since then, she has promised to never use her powers unless someone was trying to hurt her, no matter how much they scream at her. She, however, has a hard time controlling her anger—so keeping her powers in check gets hard.
Sarah has been tainted by Nicky Deceverence and has been throwing outbursts of rage and fury, creating tornadoes and hurricanes that have killed many. She has been described as "fiendish in appearance, with blood-shot, demonic eyes, and a black aura about her".
[ "Keraunomancy" ]
[From Ancient Greek κεραυνός (keraunós, "lightning, thunderbolt")]
Due to her Xaerian1, Sarah possesses the ability to harness and call
forth lightning. This skill / ability is something Sarah is constantly trying to get better at, as she still doesn't have as much control over it as she should/would like. In order to help her focus and channel the
lightning, she has a tendency to conduct it through crystals—almost as a reverse lightning rod.
This ability is exploited by Nicky Deceverence when he possess Sarah—on orders from Monosashi Reigenzien.
[ Tornado Generation ]
Sarah's Xaerian has also "blessed" her with the ability to whip up cyclones and lower-rating tornadoes. This is another ability Sarah's attempting to get under control, but it's heavily linked to her emotions. This is how Sarah's parents ended up passing, as Sarah's anger and distress manipulated the pressure in the area to fabricate a tornado.
This ability is exploited by Nicky Deceverence when he possess Sarah—on orders from Monosashi Reigenzien.
[ "Twin Whirlwinds" ]
After Sarah joins Shikyo's team, Keith "Spitfire" Randalls outfits her with a pair of two Mamba Pistols, which he dubs "Twin Whirlwinds". Given her self-disciplining training with lightning has been facilitated through the usage of crystals, Keith tells her to focus her energy on the pistols in a similar fashion. Although significantly weaker than the winds of a tornado, Sarah is able to better focus high-speed winds through the barrels of the pistols in a more controlled manner.
[ Xaerian ]
Sarah's birth provided the Storm Xaerian with a host body, so she inherited her Xaerian from the very beginning.
I'm starting to think these crystals are attracting more bad energy than they're dispelling...

Dylan Impra
[ Younger Brother ]
Dylan Impra is younger than Sarah by five years. After both their parents tragically passed in a freak accident Sarah caused, the two were brought in by her mother's sister, Sarah's godmother. Although Janice was a wonderful mother to her daughter, the two didn't quite see eye to eye—and Sarah's godmother made up for that difference by being a very similar person to Sarah. The harmony that blossomed between the three individuals allowed Dylan to come out of his shell (as he was a rather introverted child); meanwhile, the accident plus the comforting atmosphere of Daphne's home allowed Sarah and Dylan to become closer as siblings.

Nicky Deceverence
[ "Exploiter" ]
Nicky Deceverence has taken advantage of Sarah and her abilities, using Phantom Grimm in order to control her. As she got older, Sarah began to question her identity — especially given her Xaerian and how she needed to keep that part of her a secret. Her unstable powers and insecurities made her an easy target for Nicky and his phantom, and he used her as a weapon of mass destruction — conjuring wicked storms, deadly tornadoes, and devastating hurricanes — on orders from Monosashi Reigenzien.

Mood Board
(Be sure to also check out CharacterName's inspiration board on Pinterest!)