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[ Mind ]
63% Extraverted
This trait determines how we interact with our environment. Introverted
80% Observant
This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
86% Thinking
This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions. Feeling
75% Judging
This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making. Prospecting
78% Assertive
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. Turbulent
*MBTI results and explanations referenced from test results provided by 16personalities.com.
- Smokes cigarettes both because of and in spite of her father / has a fondness for cigarette holders
- Was originally based off of an "inverted" / opposite version of Shikyo (originally a sort of "yin-yang" scenario), hence the inverted ombré, blue eyes, and super pale complexion; she's now more of a take on my "Mob Geisha" concept
- Has eternally youthful looks due to consistent Xaerian DNA injections, but otherwise her bones and skin are incredibly fragile (rips and tears she endured in her Xaerian forme used to appear when she returned to her human form, as well)
- Well-practiced in medical practices / skills (hence why she's still alive, as she was the one who patched up and kept herself alive during her experimentation)
- Voiceclaim: Mela Lee
Mikkoku's father was a doctor in a quiet, little suburban town in Siteria1. When she was five, Mr. Damasu begun to teach his daughter basic medical skills, as he wanted her to be able to fend for herself and be self-sufficient. These included basic skills such as applying bandages, dressings, thoroughly cleaning wounds, applying tourniquets, and a bit of self-inspection of wounds when applicable. Some time in 1999, Mikkoku's father was recruited into the underground organization, Ivalyce2. Due to his recruitment, Mikkoku—who was around the age of nine at this point—saw less and less of her father. This forced her to learn how to be completely self-sufficient.
In July of 2005 (Mikkoku is fourteen at this point), Mr. Damasu died in an accident at Ivalyce's 'headquarters'. After a bit of grieving, Mikkoku sought out Ivalyce in lieu of her father's passing and offered to assist them in their research as a volunteer medic, and even went so far as to offer herself up as a test subject. Mikkoku is then experimented on for the next two years, and in 2007 her body finally begins to accept and be taken over by the Xaerian3 DNA she's continuously been injected with. The Xaerian DNA heightened her senses and increased her endurance/physical limits. After more injections and testing, Mikkoku was finally able to develop a stable Xaerian forme—as well as a secondary forme (where she's half-human and half-Xaerian).
In April of 2008, eighteen-year-old Mikkoku uses her formes (and an item that was previously used against her, that she now wields as a sign of overcoming her experimenters—a bewitched ribbon) to take over as the head of Ivalyce. She does so in order to spearhead the initiative to order to harvest more Xaerian DNA—primarily to keep her human form young, refreshed, and limber.
Although she continues to spearhead Ivalyce, she has also formed a "loose partnership" with Monosashi, now that he has resurrected. In exchange for offering his cultists as extra hands for Ivalyce's needs, Mikkoku provides him with low-level thugs, minions, and failed experiments to supplement his cult and 'army'.
[ Bewitched Ribbon ]
Once used as a tool to restrain and constrict her, Mikkoku eventually overpowers this bewitched item and claims it as her own. It floats behind her in a decorative manner, but she can command it to strangle, tie, or constrict up to four (4) individuals.
[ Xaerian ]
Although not a "true" / pure Xaerian, Mikkoku possess 3 formes—her human form, a demi forme, and a Xaerian forme. Her demi form is a bi-pedal amalgamation of her human form and Xaerian forme, while her Xaerian forme is a full-fledged, quadrupedal Xaerian.

After having sought out Ivalyce in an attempt to become a Xaerian test subject, Mikkoku onlu allows Lucious to participate on the condition that he agrees to work for her. More than happy to oblige, Lucious begins down a new path in life—and the two become invaluable assets to one another.

Monosashi and Mikkoku have formed a "loose partnership" of sorts, where Mikkoku provides low-level thugs, minions, and failed experiments to supplement Monosashi's cult and 'army' in exchange for test subjects, occasional Xaerian DNA, and as much Hol'locie4 as possible.

Commission / Other Gallery

Mood Board
(Be sure to also check out Mikkoku's inspiration board on Pinterest!)