- Sharp lines + silhouettes
- Peanut butter & bananas (her favorite snack!)
- White chocolate peppermint hot cocoa
- Winter fashion
- Crystals + gemstones (usually in the form of jewelry)
- Hospitals
- Philosophy and theory (being Resurrected made these topics uncomfortable)
- Deep, open water (but is trying to overcome the thassalophobia)
- Hooded sweatshirts/jackets
[ Mind ]
68% Extraverted
This trait determines how we interact with our environment. Introverted
66% Observant
This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
60% Feeling
This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
56% Prospecting
This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
68% Assertive
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. Turbulent
*MBTI results and explanations referenced from test results provided by 16personalities.com.
- Since Xaerians are the embodiment of their element, Zara's skin and body temperature are cooler than average // can manipulate the heat in the space around her (which is how she keeps from overheating)
- Zara has noticed that she has less of an appetite than the average person, which makes sense given her slightly lower body temperature than average
- Power over her element is so fine-tuned that she can freeze moisture on an individual's skin; also has the ability (through calmed concentration) to freeze whatever she places her hands on
- Fond of silvery/grey hairstyles; will ombré her hair every so often with colors other than her default hairstyle
- Barbell nipple piercings
- Extraverted, but calmly so—she's the friend/guest who's just happy to be there with you, but doesn't make a whole scene about it
- Voiceclaim: Troian Bellisario
[ Cryomancy ]
The Ice Xaerian has given Zara the ability to manipulate heat energy in the space around her; this ability has become so fine-tuned from her communion with her Xaerian that she has the ability to freeze moisture on an individual's skin. She also has the ability, through calmed concentration, to freeze anything she places her hands on.
As a result of the cryomancy and Xaerian's presence within her, Zara's body temperature is cooler than average. She keeps from overheating by passively manipulating the heat energy that lies within a close perimeter to her body.
Although she has fine-tuned the abilities she possesses, Zara is still unable to command or manifest ice at will (as of yet).
[ Ice Shuriken ]
[ Unofficial / WIP ]
Zara's Xaerian has blessed her with a giant shuriken star made of below-zero crystallized ice. Given Zara's ability to manipulate the heat around her, the shuriken is more or less immune to melting; it never dulls, and its subzero temperature makes the edges feel even sharper. Zara is the only one capable of wielding/touching this weapon, as she is the only one who is unaffected by the temperature of the ice.
[ Xaerian ]
Having been revived via The Resurrection, Zara became the next available host for the Ice Xaerian—and she became its new vessel.
Shortly after having froze and drowned, Zara was brought by her parents to the Xaeriite village. Although Khokori herself did not perform the Resurrection ritual, she was there to supervise. After being revived, Zara inherited the Ice Xaerian. As someone who shared a similar history, Khokori felt for Zara's situation—and offered solace for the young bearer. Although the two never grew close "personally", Zara grew to admire Khokori, and Khokori grew to enjoy Zara's presence and aid. Zara's communion with her Xaerian was achievably solely by Khokori's guidance and teachings.

Commission / Other Gallery

Mood Board
(Be sure to also check out Zara's inspiration board on Pinterest!)